The AWL Pet Foster Care Program provides assistance to dogs and cats through temporary care in a suitable nurturing home, with committed and trained Foster Carers. This creates a safe place so that fostered dogs and cats are able to grow, heal and socialise in preparation for adoption.

Dogs and cats in the AWL Foster Program requiring temporary care include:
• Puppies and kittens that are too young for adoption
• Pregnant dogs and cats
• Malnourished animals
• Animals that are recovering from surgical procedures
• Animals needing further behaviour modification

The Animal Welfare League has been a major provider of animal care to South Australia since 1964. Operating the state’s largest animal shelter, it’s always quite a surprise to see what other programs they are involved with.

The Animal Welfare League have a fabulous adoption program that has provided homes for tens of thousands of animals. While most animals here are up for adoption, there are a special group that need some of our time and help.

If you’d like to be a foster carer then contact the Animal Welfare League. It is such a worthwhile and rewarding thing to do.



About The Author

In the Garden is an exciting new local South Australian TV program on Channel 9 this Summer & next Autumn showcasing the best ‘green’ stories this state has to tell. Check out the latest in garden trends, new plants and top tips to keep those gardens blooming.