With our climate we can grow a massive range of plants in SA, but our alkaline soils lock many trace elements in the ground, causing leaves on some of our favourite plants to yellow. Luckily Yates makes it easy to release these trace elements and have our plants green again in no time!

South Australia is a great place to grow a huge range of plants, but our alkaline soils cause many trace elements, like iron, to be locked in the ground! This is the culprit behind the yellowing of the leaves on some of our plants. Turning alkaline soil more acidic helps release those locked elements naturally, and turns our leaves green again!

Raising the pH of your soil with a soil acidifier like Liquid Sulfur from Yates is a simple way to make your soil more acidic and put the green back into your leaves. Changing pH takes time, so apply this product around your plants every 4 weeks until the right pH is achieved.

If you don’t have a pH test kit at home, take some soil into your local garden centre and they’ll test it for you, what a great service!

You’ll find loads of plant solutions from Yates, everything from health tonics to leaf greeners and soil acidifiers! Drop into your local garden centre or hardware store to check them out, or head to their website


About The Author

In the Garden is an exciting new local South Australian TV program on Channel 9 this Summer & next Autumn showcasing the best ‘green’ stories this state has to tell. Check out the latest in garden trends, new plants and top tips to keep those gardens blooming.