Without doubt the one style of growing that both fascinates and inspires is Bonsai. The art of keeping plants miniaturised while still retaining their form is a skill being passed on to members of the Bonsai Club of South Australia. Bonsai plants need plenty of attention, the idea of keeping a potentially 8m growing tree confined to a small flat pot requires lots of work. Be it trimming leaves or regular repotting, there is always something to do. Repotting gives you the chance to trim back roots and add a fresh potting mix. Once the plant has been removed for the pot, a third of the roots need cutting, in addition to some teasing and trimming (chopsticks are great to tease out roots). Potting mix needs to be well drained, additional gravel, pumice or other inorganics help open up the mix. Place the newly trimmed plant slightly off centre and to the back of the pot. If you’re interested in finding out more about the Bonsai Club of South Australia, head to their website, it could be the beginning of something very special! BONSAI CLUB SA WATCH THE CLIP