Like us all lawns need nutritious food.

Why do our lawns need regular fertilising?
• To stay healthy,
• fighting off bugs, weeds and disease
• and look their best.
• A well fed lawn handles the stress of harsh winters and hot summers much better
• Make your neighbors envious

What sort of fertiliser should we use?
• One that is blended specifically for your type of lawn.
• Synthetic fertilisers have a special blend of nutrients that your lawn needs and are a cost effective option.
• Organic fertilisers contain natural materials composted. You need to apply a larger amount than synthetic to achieve the same effect. great for building up the soil.

When is best time to Fertilise?
• As a general guide, depending on which variety, each season up to four times per year.
• Spring and Autumn are very important times for fertilizing, helping you lawn pop out of winter
• and also going into winter with a full belly of food to sustain the long winter.
Autumn: Extra potassium gives winter resilience
• Super: Spring: Nitrogen and essential nutrients brings lawn to life

How do we know when to start fertilising?
• Fertiliser works best when your lawn once the soil temperature is over 15 and is actively growing.
• Liquid is good early in spring to revitalize a trouble spot it is fast acting and a great way to get a quick result, however don’t last as long.
• Generally September, December and March are perfect times to Fertilise, however you can fertilise anytime if your lawn looks hungry.

What about different soil types?

• Sandy soils don’t hold nutrients well so you will need you to feed a little more often, whereas clay soils may need an application gypsum to help break up the clay for nutrients and water to be more available.

And a Final tip?
• Always water in your fertiliser, spreading before a rain can be helpful saving you water.
• Read the label for rates and special instructions.


About The Author

In the Garden is an exciting new local South Australian TV program on Channel 9 this Summer & next Autumn showcasing the best ‘green’ stories this state has to tell. Check out the latest in garden trends, new plants and top tips to keep those gardens blooming.