One task all owners of running grasses, in particular, face is stopping the grass from heading into garden beds and over paths and driveways.

There are a number of tools that edge lawns well and one, most gardener’s love that takes out the strain is a whipper snipper.

Couple of things to remember to get the best edging
– Wear eye and ear protection
– Edge before you mow
– Clear the area before you start walking around
– Keep children and pets away from any flying debris
– Hold the head of the whipper snipper at a 90 degree angle to the edge
– Line up the lawn edge and cord
– Edge slowly but surely, take your time

If you want loads of lawn tips and advice on everything from what lawn to plant and where to plant it plus loads more head to the Turf Farm website.






About The Author

In the Garden is an exciting new local South Australian TV program on Channel 9 this Summer & next Autumn showcasing the best ‘green’ stories this state has to tell. Check out the latest in garden trends, new plants and top tips to keep those gardens blooming.