What’s worse than finding a codling moth grub in your apple?….Finding half!

Kim shows you how to keep the pests away and prune your fruit trees with the help of Brunnings products!

By now most stone fruits have finished fruiting and your tree is probably a mass of growth. Rather than letting your tree become a thicket of shoots, now’s the time to get it under control and Kim shows you how!

Kim gives you expert tips on pruning your fruit trees now, so come winter your trees will have grown more shoots loaded with dormant fruiting buds! By cutting long shoots that are heading for the sky, you allow your trees to redirect energy into fruit production, plus make it easier to pick – what a bonus!

Kim shows you how to stop the dreaded codling moth, which plagues the backyard grower, eating your hard grown fruit! A physical barrier like an On-Guard Fruit Tree Grease Band wrapped around the base of a tree will put any insect in a sticky situation, leaving you to enjoy your fruit in peace.

Another pest which attacks your fruit are birds – they’re a constant problem! Kim shows you how to fight back with a plastic predator that’s always on your side!

You can find these great Brunnings products at your local garden centre and hardware store.


About The Author

In the Garden is an exciting new local South Australian TV program on Channel 9 this Summer & next Autumn showcasing the best ‘green’ stories this state has to tell. Check out the latest in garden trends, new plants and top tips to keep those gardens blooming.