Right now, South Australia is a buzz with the sound of weekend chainsaws cutting through countless tonnes of fallen or falling timber. So now’s the ideal time to get some chainsaw advice! Kim chats with chainsaw expert Ben McNamara from Valley Power Equipment at Tanunda. If you’re looking for a super tough plant for any South Australian garden you can’t go past Rosemary, and the best part is there are loads of varieties to choose from so you’ll find the perfect fit for your garden! Kim takes us through different Rosemary varieties and their features! How many people know exactly where their water meter is? Knowing the location of your water meter is important for a number of reasons! Kim chats with Paul Jones from SA Water who is here to give you some help finding your water meter and explain why they are a very important water saving tool. With a name that’s familiar to us all, Brunnings are one of Australia’s leading manufacturers and suppliers of home and garden products. Kim takes us through the warehouse and uses products from their vast range to show you how to make the most of a small space! Last week we removed the top soil from the garden, now it’s time to think about irrigation. Someone who knows the best ways to make sure your lawn will stay lush and green is Paul Daniel from The Turf Farm! Kim shows you how to make sure your plants are getting the right food to help them thrive. The Yates Dynamic Lifter range has been formulated with nutrients individually tailored for the needs of your different plants. Kim shows us his childhood playground, the family walnut tree, and how it was brought back to life with deep watering! This walnut tree started to look a little sick 5 years ago so Kim explains what was done to revive this tree to full health. Fresh from The Block, South Australian contestants Tim and Anastasia show Kim how they’re putting their skills to good use and transforming their own personal block! Plus as always, loads more…In the Garden!