For many of us, the only time we think about our bones is when we break one and that can be very painful.

Bones are a vital part of ours and every animal’s anatomy. The skeleton is the thing that defines the shape of every creature. Without a skeleton, we’d just be a wobbly blob.

At the University of Adelaide’s School of Veterinary Science’s Roseworthy Campus, there’s a very special collection of animal skeletons and curiosities that is constantly being studied and added to.
The people responsible for the creation of this very interesting and fascinating anatomical collection.

Of you’d to find out more about how you can view this wonderful array of anatomical skeletons, including a rhinoceros, contact the Adelaide’s School of Veterinary Science’s Roseworthy Campus.






About The Author

In the Garden is an exciting new local South Australian TV program on Channel 9 this Summer & next Autumn showcasing the best ‘green’ stories this state has to tell. Check out the latest in garden trends, new plants and top tips to keep those gardens blooming.