Brilliance Rose
If you love roses then you are definitely going to love this new release from the House of Meilland.
Named Brilliance, this rose is both brilliant by name and by nature. A hybrid tea of immense beauty and style. Its purest white blooms shine like beacons in a continuous and breathtaking display. Highly perfumed, each flower simply bursts with a pleasurable and intense rose and fruit scent. A robust and healthy performer this rose is equally at home in both pot and garden alike. Proudly supporting the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute.

To find out how you can purchase your own Brilliance rose, contact a specialist rose nursery or enquire at your local garden centre. This is a very special rose for your garden


Eye Shadow
Wagner’s Rose Nursery have been a South Australian rose growing institution for over 50 years
Owner, Brian Wagner is always on the lookout for new, innovative and brilliant garden performing roses to share with the rose loving public.

Eye Shadow heralds a new direction in rose breeding by Chris Warner, England introducing the very distinctive coloured centre or eye of the hulthemias into the rose gene pool. Eye Shadow’s striking blooms of warm pink to creamy yellow and distinctive red eye make a bold statement in any garden. Repeat flowering and disease resistant, its little wonder this very healthy ground cover was awarded a Gold Medal at the 2016 Australian National Rose Trials.

Head to the Wagner’s Rose Nursery Mail Order website to find out how you can purchase Eye Shadow and plenty of other brilliant roses.


Salvia Van houttei
If you are looking for bright colour in the late summer to late autumn garden then here’s a plant for you.
Salvia’s are well known for being easy to grow plants and Salvia Van houttei is exactly that. This tall perennial produces and abundance of tubular bright wine red flowers from February to May, making it an ideal addition to compliment your other rich Autumn garden foliage.

Growing to about 1m tall and wide, Salvia Van houttei loves full sun and will tolerates some shade. To pick up this plant and loads of other great garden performers, drop into The Diggers Garden Shop in the Adelaide Botanic Gardens.








About The Author

In the Garden is an exciting new local South Australian TV program on Channel 9 this Summer & next Autumn showcasing the best ‘green’ stories this state has to tell. Check out the latest in garden trends, new plants and top tips to keep those gardens blooming.