I don’t know about you, but I always find it hard to throwing things away, even when the last bit of usefulness in that object has well and truly disappeared, that’s because I don’t look at what the object was. It’s all about what it could be! Anything that can hold potting mix for me is a potential pot. And I mean anything. What do when a wheelbarrow has given up the ghost – reinvent it, that’s what. A pot is really just something that keeps the potting mix in for plant roots to grow in. Pretty simple really. The same principle applies to this wheelbarrow. It has a large bowl to hold potting mix and, as long as there is somewhere for the water to drain out, we are right to go. Plenty of holes, might need to patch up a few to stop the mix from falling out. Place the old barrow in position and fill with potting mix. A bit of Dynamic Lifter won’t go astray. Once the barrow is filled, then time to plant. A nice splash of colour are Delta Face mix pansy’s from Living Colour. If you want impact, then don’t scrimp on plants. Fill up the space and it will look simply stunning. What to do with a clapped out chimnea? Turn it into a Mexican surprise, that’s what. Grab a masonary bit and drill some drainage holes. Then add potting mix. Now the plants. In keeping with the Mexican theme, I reckon a selection of succulents would seem appropriate. Kalanchoe ‘Flap Jacks’ and the tall, dark Aeonium fill in the space brilliantly and still have room to grow and fill. A broken pot is no barrier to be reused either. Fill in the gap, pop in the mix and add a plant. What do you call a bucket with a hole in it? Well I call it a potential pot. From Gum boots to barrows, there’s so much fun to be had in reusing objects. WATCH THE CLIP