There is no one better qualified to talk tomatoes than Mr Tomato, Lee Prettejohn!

Lee has been growing vegetables, including tomatoes plus flowering seedlings, in his family business since he left school.

Lee believes the secret to growing good tomatoes is soil preparation and watering. Add plenty of organic matter to the planting hole and a good handful of Dynamic Lifter – this will give the small seedling a good start without burning roots.

Once planted, create a well around the base that will take at least one full bucket of water without spilling over the sides. Lee suggests filling the well once or twice a week with 3 buckets of water. He also says that tomatoes love to be stressed so don’t be too concerned if they start to wilt at the end of a hot day, as long as there is enough soil moisture, they will pep up the next day.

When feeding, Lee likes using liquid fertilisers like Thrive Tomatoes as this gives the plants an instant burst of nutrients.

One of Lee’s best suggested tomatoes is the ‘Le Gef’ a variety he and his brother Geoff created a number of years ago that is both vigorous and bountiful!


About The Author

In the Garden is an exciting new local South Australian TV program on Channel 9 this Summer & next Autumn showcasing the best ‘green’ stories this state has to tell. Check out the latest in garden trends, new plants and top tips to keep those gardens blooming.