The sun already has a sting in it that will only get worse as summer rolls on. As WE prepare for the inevitable scorching heat, take time to think about your plants, especially your growing vegetables.

Picking the right spot to avoid sun damaged vegetables is very important. They need around 6 hours of sunlight a day. The ideal location for a vegie garden is one that gets morning sun and late afternoon shade. The hottest time of the day when I was a kid always seemed around 2pm now it feels around 4 or 5 so stopping harsh sunlight hitting your vegies from then on will help.

If you have an open site without late shade, then there are other options for reducing sun damage. Drape sheets over plants on those serious scorchers, although they will need a wash before using inside.

Shade cloth is becoming increasingly popular in the vegie garden. The best colour and type for growing summer vegetables is a 50 percent white shade cloth. It provides the right balance of UV protection and correct light for the plants to perform.

This is a great way to protect your vegies, I’d love to find out the ingenious ways you’re covering your plants at home. Post a pic on our facebook page or via our website.

Apart from sun protection, your vegetable seedlings and plants are going to need regular feeds. These plants are mostly annuals and have a very short life so need a quick acting fertilizer.

Liquid feeds work quickest. Newly planted seedlings really benefit from an instant burst of nitrogen to get them started. If you want simple, it doesn’t come any easier Thrive All Purpose Pods. Drop into a watering can and away you go. Containing around 26 percent nitrogen this will put the pep into your plants.

If you keep feeding with a high nitrogen fertilizer you’ll end up with lots of growth but little flowers and fruit. After getting your plants growing, switch to a dedicated liquid feed. This will supply the necessary potassium and essential trace elements.

With liquid fertilizers designed for different types of plants, just select the one best suited and apply.

As your plants get moving, so do the bugs. Keep your eye out for any pests especially mealybugs, White Fly and aphid. It’s important to tackle them in a low toxic way. You are what you eat remember.


About The Author

In the Garden is an exciting new local South Australian TV program on Channel 9 this Summer & next Autumn showcasing the best ‘green’ stories this state has to tell. Check out the latest in garden trends, new plants and top tips to keep those gardens blooming.