
Lawn Fertilizing

One thing all plants enjoy is a good, regular feed. It’s amazing how well plants respond to being fertilized, especially the lawn. A lawn is...

Lawn Beetles

We love our lawns don’t we? A carpet of green that has so many uses. It’s a natural air conditioner - cooling the yard and the home. Lawns are...


There are times when a lawn needs more than watering, mowing and feeding. Time to watch out for Thatch. Thatch is the layer that is between the...

Summer Watering

Mention the words summer and gardening and there’s one thing we all think about and that’s watering. Being water smart means using products that...
Turf Farm

Lawn Lifestyle

Apart for its green good looks, there are plenty of other reasons why adding a splash of lawn in the garden makes good sense. Although this plant...
The Turf Farm

Fertilizing Lawns

Like us, all lawns need nutritious food, why do our lawns need regular fertilising? To stay healthy, fight off bugs, weeds and disease, look their...